PHOTOS: Hungarian events, and other shots
FOTÓK: Magyar Események, és más felvételek:

Most of my pictures are displayed on http://Webshots.Com and you will find my Pictures and/or Albums by searching under : Leslie_Eloed

Legtöbb képem megtalálható a Http://Webshots.Com címen. Albumjaim és/vagy Képeim a keresőben Leslie_Eloed keresőszóra találhatóak.



Extraterrestials at the Fasor...

I stumbled across something that while it has no genealogical relevance, is
too good not to share.
Your moderator deemed this message relevant because it deals with ancestral origins!

Enrico Fermi, the Nobel Prize winning Italian physicist was once asked "Do
Extra-terrestrial beings exist?"

His reply was "They are already here among us. They are called
Hungarians...!" And they attended the Budapest, Hungary, Fasor Lutheran Highschool.

Submitted by Sam Schleman
Malvern, PA

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